NARBLA Conference
Registration Form
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Babson College
231 Forest Street
Babson Park, Massachusetts 02457
Mailing Address:
E-Mail Address:
Please read carefully and check the appropriate box(es):
I plan to attend the NARBLA Annual Conference. I have enclosed a check payable to NARBLA to cover registration, 2025 membership dues, a copy of the BUSINESS LAW REVIEW, refreshments, and lunch.
☐ Regular Rate ($90) ☐ Special Emeritus Rate ($70)
☐ Special Newcomer Rate ($70) ☐ Publisher Rate ($90)
☐ I do not plan to attend the Conference, but I have enclosed a check for $40, payable to NARBLA, for my 2025 dues and a copy of THE BUSINESS LAW REVIEW.
☐ I plan to attend the luncheon. Please indicate and dietary needs.
☐ I am submitting a paper to be considered for publication in the Business Law Review entitled:
☐ I do not have a paper in process, but would like to present my views on a current Business-Law-relared topic. Please reserve a segment for me on Saturday for such presentation. The topic is entitled:
☐ I will bring ___ non-member guest(s) to the Conference and have enclosed $50 per guest to cover lunch and refreshments. The guest's name, affiliation, and paper title (if applicable):
☐ I would be willing to be Program Chair for the April 2026 annual conference. I have written a sentence or two on the back of this sheet regarding my interest.
Please return this form with payment by Friday, March 28, 2025, to:
Prof. Leslie Garbarino
Babson College
Luksic Hall
231 Forest Street
Babson Park, Massachusetts 02457
Phone: 781-239-4275